Our Brands Ardium Grid Notebooks

Most Popular Ardium Products

DIY 6 Ring A5 Note Refill DIY 6 Ring A5 Note Refill
01 Cherry Blossom (Plain) 02 Peach (Plain) 03 Green Apple (Plain) 04 Sky Blue (Plain) 07 Cocoa (0.31in. Lined) 08 Coral (0.31in. Lined) 09 0.04in. Grid 10 0.14in. Grid 14 Drawing Journal 15 Genko Yoshi 05 Light Yellow (0.24in. Lined) 06 Lilac (0.31in. Lined) 11 0.12in. Lined 12 0.24in. Lined 13 0.31in. Lined 16 Daily Plan

DIY 6 Ring A5 Note Refill

$3.95 8035 people favorited

Slim Pattern Notebook Slim Pattern Notebook
Black Argyle (Vertical Grid) Black Checkered (0.14 in. Grid) Black Classic (0.28 in. Lined) Green Checkered (0.14 in. Grid) Green Stitched (0.28 in. Lined) Green Vintage (Vertical Grid) Pink Checkered (0.14 in. Grid) Pink Classic (0.28 in. Lined) Pink Vintage (Vertical Grid) Purple Checkered (0.14 in. Grid) Purple Stitched (0.28 in. Lined) Purple Vintage (Vertical Grid)

Slim Pattern Notebook

$6.95 164 people favorited

Ardium DIY Notebook Ardium DIY Notebook
Dot Grid (Black) Large Grid (Burgundy) Plain (Brown) 1mm Grid (Mint) 3mm Grid (White) Genko Yoshi (Pink) Lined & Plain (Navy) Lined (Yellow)

Ardium DIY Notebook

$4.95 1580 people favorited

Travel the World Notebook Travel the World Notebook
01 Amsterdam (Line) 02 San Francisco (Line) 03 Santorini (Line) 04 Brooklyn Bridge (Line) 05 New York (Line) 06 Turkiye (Grid) 07 Korea (Grid) 08 Eiffel Tower (Grid) 09 Switzerland (Grid) 10 Golden Gate Bridge (Grid)

Travel the World Notebook

$21.95 84 people favorited

Gray Grid Spiral Notebook Gray Grid Spiral Notebook
Blue Purple Light Purple Orange Pink

Gray Grid Spiral Notebook

$11.95 100 people favorited